DecisionMaking - MenuetOS

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DecisionMaking - MenuetOS

Post by MarkNEW » Thu Sep 16, 2021 6:17 am

Hello Forum,

I was a Sharewaredeveloper for Win32 and with Win64 I am more and more in trouble with this application and looking for an alternative slim operatingsystem to migrate

The sourcecode of my application is VB6/C.
Most libaries i was writing i organized in Windows DLLs written in C - and as a enduser frontend i was using VB6 (=VisualBasic 6)

Of course i know, that it is not possible migrating with the VB6/C environmental to MenuetOS.
I actually would be ready rewriting my application, but ...MenuetOS obviously is an application written in FASM .. a computerlanguage which is too difficult for me.

Please allow me a few questions:

1. Will MenuetOS run on modern PCs ?

I want to run it on an older: Intel Core 2 Duo - 2 x 2,33 GHz

Standard Graphic/Audio

2. Are there other programming languages ... like

- a GUI RAD Designer
+ basic
+ or at least C

3. is there a very good documentation how i can call (#INCLUDE) MenuettOS APIfunctionality in my software ?

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Re: DecisionMaking - MenuetOS

Post by MarkNEW » Thu Sep 16, 2021 9:04 am

allow me adding 2 points more.
If there is a systemadministrator, you can copy the questions to one post

4. I was reading, that there also is a MenuetOS 64bit. My ANSI-C libs/dlls are just 32bit. Of course i would wish having the highest possible speed with 64bit - but I also do not want making too much changes on my ANSI-C code - Does it make sense for me using Menuet 64 bit ?

5. I want to see the datas, which my small application is producing on the screen - and i am used to RGBA (=32 bit) - Does it make sense for me using Menuet 64 bit ?

6. I am used with Visual Studio 6. It is not, that i like it too much ... its simple the fact, that I am used to it. Is it somehow possible writing applications for MenuetOS with Visual Studio 6 ? Of course i know, that it is not possible installing Visual Studio 6 on MenuetOS .. but maybe it is possible accessing MenuetOS-Api with a Compiler running on Windows - Does it make sense for me using Menuet 64 bit ?

Please answer as short as possible to 1-6 ... if i see 100% YES, then i will install it and give it at least a trial


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Re: DecisionMaking - MenuetOS

Post by villemt » Wed Sep 22, 2021 3:56 pm

1. Will MenuetOS run on modern PCs ?

Yes, Menuet is a 64bit system and supports multi-processoring.

2. Are there other programming languages ... like

Menuet uses assembly for applications and includes a text editor and FASM assembler.

3. is there a very good documentation how i can call (#INCLUDE) MenuettOS APIfunctionality in my software ?

See the documents page on this website for system calls. Menuet supports 64bit (and 32) system calls.

4. I was reading, that there also is a MenuetOS 64bit.

Menuet is a 64 bit system with support for modern 64bit x86, however M64 also supports 32bit system calls.

5. I want to see the datas, which my small application is producing on the screen - and i am used to RGBA (=32 bit)
6. I am used with Visual Studio 6. It is not, that i like it too much ... its simple the fact, that I am used to it.

Basically, you can generate the Menuet headers and app with many programming languages, however Menuet is mainly for assembly programming.

I recommend that you first try Menuet64 with VirtualBox or some other cpu simulator.

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